Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'm an Optetrician and I will help you see better after I drink my expresso

Say WHaaa??!! If I had a buck for every time someone called me an Optetrician I would not have to work any more.

We didn't get to pick our names, and thusly I have this dastardly A on the end of my name that has required lifetime explanation. Does me no good whatsoever. People call me Nicole and I answer. I also respond to Vicky, Mickey and sundry other _icky names that you want to butcher in there.

But I DID choose my vocation. Or did it choose me? Either way it did not involve delivering babies through the eyeball socket. Yet endlessly folks mangle my job title up with an Obstetrician. Those people are actually qualified to deliver babies. I can only help you see. Woohoo! I can help you see! Bet an Obstetrician can't do THAT!

What's the difference between all those big O's anyhow?
Let me explain.

An Opthalmologist is an MD. They are trained specifically to diagnose and treat eye diseases and perform surgeries when necessary or elected. These are the wonderful people who clear up our cataracts, perform LASIK and hold our hand through difficult things like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. Their main focus is not intended to do routine eye exams for everyday glasses and contacts. Your Optometrist will refer you to an Opthalmologist when necessary.

Your Optometrist is an OD. This is who you want to see when you need a prescription for eyeglasses or contacts. They are uniquely qualified to give you the best corrected vision through lenses. They also look for eye health issues. They can treat eye infections and even manage eye diseases. If you need eye surgery, they will send you to an Opthalmologist. But generally an Optometrist is the one you need for basic and maintenance eyecare.

The Optician is much like a pharmacist that fills your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Opticians are only required to be licensed in roughly 21 states.
Those in the remaining states may choose to be licensed by the American Board of Opticanry, but it is not necessary and as a result, there tends to be a shallow understanding of the effects an eyeglasses prescription has on the patient. I always encourage people to know who they are talking to! Many "opticans" were working at the checkout the week before. I know. I was one of them. Ask or look for ABOC Optician or ABOC-NCLE designations.

Need a good Optometrist, an ABO Certified Optician and a full digital eye exam? Schedule with us at EyeStyles. The difference will be clear.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Nikki! What a wonderful explanation, I ALWAYS called Opticians Optericions!! Now I know.. :)
